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【BBCミートアップ#12】 トークンエコノミー No.3 セキュリティトークン

主催 : Blockchain Business Community

【BBCミートアップ#12】 トークンエコノミー No.3 セキュリティトークン
2018/08/22(水) 19:00 ~ 22:00

2018/08/16(木) 00:30 〜
2018/08/22(水) 18:00まで


The Millennial Hotel


マップで見る 会場のサイトを見る


イベントはこちらです: https://bbcmeetup12.peatix.com/view

【詳細 Summary】





今回のBBCミートアップはセキュリティートークンのリサーチレポートを発表するほか、日本最大級の法律相談ポータルサイト「弁護士ドットコム」の執行役を務める、田上 嘉一氏等業界専門家にも登壇して頂きます。


The U.S. Security and Exchange Commission(SEC) announced in March 2018 that security laws apply to most cryptocurrencies and exchanges" according to the report by CNBC, resulting in many token issuers desperately trying to avoid their tokens classified as security. Many issuers believe once their token is classified as security, the damage to their token value can be fatal due to lack of liquidity and many transaction limitations.

-Is token classified as security token a bad news?

Not necessarily, some tokens might start to lose their values but it does not mean it is all bad to the market. in June 2018, Leading US cryptocurrency trading platform Coinbase initiated the process to become a fully regulated broker-dealer by the SEC. Meaning exchanges are working on allowing registered security to be lawfully traded on approved exchanges. As a result, we might be able to see a trend of only registered security token being traded on approved exchanges.

-What does Registered Security Token mean to us?

Security comes with an actual value and only have a limited amount. Therefore, with more token classified as security and more exchanges registered with SEC. We can expect more trustworthy and compliant platforms where the truly limited security can be trusted and traded freely.

As regard the ideas of security token, BBC research has found out that security token concept is similar to the concept of sharing economy and can be rapidly incorporated with current use case like Airbnb and OFO which digitalizes services or shares assets with the interested person on online platform. Nonetheless, security token can not only tokenize services and assets that the current sharing economy can provide, but it also grants traditional assets that were difficult to share with tradable liquidity at an international scale.

According to Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication, domestic sharing economy's market size is estimated to be 50B in 2018 and is expected to grow to 60B JPY in 2020. With constant growing sharing economy market and the newly tokenized assets, will security be the next generation of tokens? Let's find out more and discuss with our great speakers!

【概要 Detail】

-主催 Organizer:Blockchain Business Community

-共催 Co-Organizer: JoyCoin Co. Ltd

-日時 Time:2018年08月22日(水) 19:00時-21:30時(18時30分より受付開始)

-会場 Venue:The Millennials Shibuya 3F /ザ・ミレニアルズ渋谷 3階

-住所 Address:150-0041 東京都 渋谷区 神南1-20-13

※イベントは日本語で行っております Event will be held in Japanese.

【スケジュール Schedule】

18 : 30 – 19 : 00 受付

19 : 00 – 19 : 20 Jack Xie 「セキュリティトークンリサーチ 」

19 : 20 – 19 : 50 田上嘉一 「セキュリティトークンに関する法規制 」

19 : 50 – 20 : 20 Xiao Bo, Weng 「 DUOプロジェクト紹介 - 暗号通貨のボラティリティ管理」

20 : 20 – 20 : 40 Michael Juskiewicz 「 eMUSICプロジェクト紹介 - デジタル音楽配信プラットフォーム」

20 : 40 – 21 : 30 懇親会

18 : 30 – 19 : 00 Sign in

19 : 00 – 19 : 20 Jack Xie 「 Research Security Token」

19 : 20 – 19 : 50 Tagami Yoshikazu 「 Regulations on Security Token」

19 : 50 – 20 : 20 Xiao Bo, Weng「Blockchain Project : Duo Introduction - Cryptocurrency volatility management」

20 : 20 – 20 : 40 Michael Juskiewicz 「Blockchain Project : eMUSIC - Digital Music Platform Introduction」

20 : 40 – 21 : 30 Networking


※During the Networking session, foods and beverages will be provided, please bring your business card with you to network.

【スピーカー Speaker】

1.田上嘉一 弁護士

弁護士ドットコム – 執行役員 田上嘉一 Lawyer.com Executives – Tagami Yoshikazu

弁護士ドットコム株式会社執行役員、弁護士。早稲田大学法学部卒、ロンドン大学クィーン・メアリー校修士課程修了。大手渉外法律事務所にて企業のM&Aやファイナンスに従事し、ロンドン大学で Law in Computer and Communications の修士号取得。知的財産権や通信法、EU法などを学ぶ。テレビ朝日「弁護士といっしょです」、TOKYO MX「モーニングCROSS」などメディア出演多数。

Yoshikazu received his national lawyer license in 2002 and developed his professional career in M&A and real estate securities. Later he exceled his career in Queen Mary University of London and landed his next career at Gree, inc in 2012 specifically provides legal consults to newly developed business. Currently, Yoshikazu is Lawyer.com’s executives and has been sharing his experiences on TV routinely such as モーニングCROSS and 弁護士といっしょです.

2.Jack Xie

早稲田大学先端ベンチャー・起業家研究所研究員 Waseda University Advanced Institute of Venture and Entrepreneur Researcher


Jack received MBA degree from Waseda University and BA degree from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. After graduation, Jack pursuits his career in the financial sector and was the senior analyst at Daiwa Institute of Research where he was in charge of research on venture capital investment. Later Jack became the associate director of Daiwa Capital Markets Hong Kong Limited where he was responsible for the strategic planning of investment research in Pan Asia stock market.

  1. Xiao Bo, Weng (CFA & FRM licensed)

Finbook.co日本市場担当/金融エンジニア Finbook.co Financial Engineer and Japan Country Manager

Boはシンガポール国立大学(NUS)卒業で、最高成績で数理金融の学士学位を取得。 ロンドン・ビジネス・スクールにて金融修士課程を受けながら、IHS Markitで構造化商品評価のリーダーを担当。その後、シンガポールのシティバンクやIHS Markitにてクレジット・デリバティブ製品評価の仕事をする。現在はFinbook.coの金融エンジニアや日本市場マネージャーを担当。

Xiao Bo graduated from NUS with first class honour degree in Quantitative Finance. She worked at IHS Markit in London as the head of structured product valuation team while achieving her part-time Master in Finance degree at London Business School. Throughout her expereineces, she specializes in credit derivatives valuation at IHS Markit and Citibank in Singapore. Currently, she serves as a financial engineer and the country manager of Japan at Finbook.co.

4.Mr. Michael Juskiewicz

eMUSIC及びTriplayのCFO及び企業開発責任者。 Chief Financial Officer and Head of Corporate Development of eMusic/Triplay

ウォールストリートで10年以上、投資信託、M&A、資本市場で活躍しています。バンク・オブ・アメリカ・メリルリンチ、野村、Cyndxのテクノロジー、メディア、テレコム部門にて従事していました。また、Eコマース企業のExport NowのCFOとしても活躍しています。シカゴ大学ブース・スクール・オブ・ビジネス MBA取得テルアビブ大学会計学及び経済学の学士号を取得

Mr. Juskiewicz is the acting Chieft Financial Officer and Head of Corporate Development of eMusic/Triplay. Formerally, Mr. Juskiewicz spent over 10 years on Wall Street with a focus on investment banking, mergers & acquisitions and capital markets. He worked in the Technology, Media, and Telecom groups at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Nomura, and Cyndx (a boutique led by alumni of the aforementioned firms). Mr Juskiewicz has also acted as the CFO of Export Now, an on line e-commerce company. Mr. Juskiewicz earned an MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business and a Bachelors of Science with a double major from Tel Aviv University in both Accounting and Economics.

※他の登壇者情報は随時更新致します。 ※登壇者は、予告なく変更することがございま。 ※Speaker Infomation will be updated at any time. ※Speakers might be changed without further notification.

【紹介ブロックチェーンプロジェクト1 - Blockchain Project Introduction 1】

DUOプロジェクトは米国と中国で人気を博した構造化ファンドにひらめきを得て、ETHなどの基本的な暗号資産をデュアル・クラス(Dual Class)のトランシェ・トークン(tranched token)に変換し、それぞれのクラスに固定収入とレバレッジド・キャピタル・ゲイン(leveraged capital gain)を提供する仕組みを設計しました。トークン、スマート・コントラクト、およびその他のサービスの集合体系を、DUOネットワークと呼ばれます。詳し内容は。詳し内容はhttps://duo.network/をご参照してください。

Duo project is Inspired by the dual-purpose fund that has gained popularity in the US and China, we designed a mechanism that converts a basic cryptoasset, such as Ether, into dual-class tranched tokens, providing fixed incomes and leveraged capital gains for respective class. The collective system oftokens, smart contracts and other services are named DUO Network. For more infomation, Please refer to https://duo.network/.

【紹介ブロックチェーンプロジェクト2 - Blockchain Project Introduction 2】




eMusicのブロックチェーンプラットフォームに関連するすべてのコンポーネントは、Ethereumネットワーク上で動作します。eMUSICのスマートコントラクトとeMUSIC TOKENは、ブロックチェーン上で相互に作用して促進させる要素となっています。


eMusic is among the top independent providers of download-to-own digital music, with over 47 million customers served and 945 million tracks sold. Long seen as a go-to for music lovers of more discerning tastes - many of whom like to eschew the mass appeal of more commercially-minded storefronts such as iTunes, Google Play or Amazon mp3 - eMusic continues to be a profitable business in a world where very few players see meaningful revenue from music sales.

All components related to eMusic’s blockchain platform will run on the Ethereum network. There are two co-dependent facilitators of all interactions on the blockchain detailed below: Smart Contracts and the eMusic Token.

eMusic will continue to be a place to browse, sample and purchase music at discount prices, seek recommendations and interact with a community of like-minded music lovers... The move to blockchain will enhance the Member experience with complementary features.

【DUO Networkエアドロップお知らせ DUO Network Airdrop Announcement】

DUO Telegramグループに参加して、DUOエアドロップを獲得しよう! Follow the instructions and join DUO telegram group to earn your DUO Airdrop!

【ブロックチェーンビジネス研究会 Blockchain Business Community】

ブロックチェーンビジネス研究会(Blockchain Business Community、略称:BBC)は、ブロックチェーンが産業、企業、個人に及ぼすインパクトについて強い関心を持ち、一緒に議論してくださる仲間が集まり情報交換をしていくコミュニティです。

  1. ブロックチェーンビジネス研究について、中立的な立場からのブログ配信を行っています。海外でのブロックチェーン活用事例やスタートアップのビジネスモデルを紹介しているため、これから事業を始めようと思われている方の良いインプットとなるはずです。

  2. 最先端の考えに直接触れ、議論を深め、コミュニティ作りを促進するため、ブロックチェーンビジネス研究会では、月1回、「ブロックチェーンミートアップ」を開催しています。また、BBCでは独自の研究を行い、その研究成果をミートアップで発表します。

The Blockchain Business Community (abbreviation: BBC) is a community that has strong interests in the impact of blockchains on industries, businesses, and individuals. We invite participants who share the same interests to stimulate discussion and information exchange in order to build up a proactive blockchain community. Currently, BBC has two focuses:

  1. BBC, standing on a neutral point of view, introduces oversees blockchain utilization cases and business model to provide good references for those that interested in starting their own business.

  2. BBC provides original research to help participants to understand the big picture. We hold meetup once a month which we bring cutting-edge concepts/ideas/issues/technologies to the tables and invite those that are interested in the topic to discuss and learn about the new trends.

【イベント実績 Past Events】


By July 2018, BBC has held 24 meetups since 2017. Each meetup, on average, we gathered around 50 blockchain enthusiasts to learn with us。 The meetups were successful with participants eager to raise intriguing questions and kept the meetup stimulating. Most importantly, participants were able to network with people from different sectors while enjoying the foods and beverages provided by BBC during the networking session. Please definitely come to our events and meet the BBC community.



※Networking session provides an opportunity to establish connections or share information. Please do stay till the end and exchange your business card. ※We are a first come first serve base event, please try not to cancel the event right before the event. However, we acknowledge urgent issues and we accept ticket refund up until 1 day before the event date.

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ブロックチェーンビジネス研究会(BBC) さんが 【BBCミートアップ#12】 トークンエコノミー No.3 セキュリティトークン を公開しました。

2018/08/16 19:02

【BBCミートアップ#12】 トークンエコノミー No.3 セキュリティトークン を公開しました!



イベント数 8回

メンバー数 12人




2018/08/16(木) 00:30 〜
2018/08/22(水) 18:00


The Millennial Hotel
